Benefits of Obtaining Your Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit
Benefits of Obtaining Your Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit
Your Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit provides the greatest level of carry rights, including many popular areas of the state. For instance, you must have a handgun carry permit to legally carry in any public park, natural area, nature trail, greenway, waterway or similar public place that is owned/operated by the state, county or city. The same permit requirement applies on similar Federal properties in Tennessee.
Your Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit provides you with the greatest ability to carry in other states. The willingness of other states to recognize your TN handgun carry rights most often depends on the issuance of a physical permit. Currently, 37 states recognize TN’s upper tier Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit.
Your instruction to obtain an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit contains important information necessary to protect you from criminal and civil penalties. It’s important to understand the legal requirements for carrying and transporting your handgun as well as the laws pertaining to self defense – the do’s and don’ts for using deadly force to protect you and your family. Carry legally with confidence!
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Click here to register! To obtain an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit in the State of Tennessee, you must complete an 8-hour handgun safety course offered by a handgun safety school […]
Click here to register! To obtain an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit in the State of Tennessee, you must complete an 8-hour handgun safety course offered by a handgun safety school […]